Wednesday, December 2, 2009

BLOGS / WIKIS - Classroom

To blog (or wiki ) or not to blog (or wiki). That is the question. I am a personal fan of blogging and I have used a both wikis and blogs as a student in classrooms. Besides this blog, I contribute to five other blogs. I find it quite entertaining and fulfilling as I connect with those in cyberspace who share similar interests and passions as I do. I personally think it has helped me to be come a better writer. Based on my personal experience, Web 2.0 tools can be used as effective teaching tools in the classroom. And, let's face it. Chances are your students, even those at the primary level of schooling, are familiar with the concept. In fact, I can guarantee most middle schoolers are using wikis, such as Wikipedia, to gather information for their research papers.

Wikis and blogs are about reading, writing, communicating and collaborating. Blogs and wikis are easy to use and there are multiple free blogging and wiki hosting sites available on the web.Specifically, Educational blogging helps students find a voice, creates enthusiasm for writing, engages students in conversation and learning, and empowers students.

Like any technology, educators need to be careful to use these tools in a way that will benefit their students and enhance their learning - using them for entertainment or just to add some "variety" to your classroom isn't enough. Educators need to make sure they are encouraging a learner-centered classroom with blogs and wikis and not just a technology-centered classroom.

Consider the suggestions in this wiki article and this blog article on how to create a collaborative and interactive classroom using blogs and wikis.

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